Changing the Number of Students Viewed per Page within the Enter Grades Area Changing the Number of Students Viewed per Page within the Enter Grades Area

Changing the Number of Students Viewed per Page within the Enter Grades Area

On the Enter Grades Area of the gradebook, the default number of students displayed is 20. It is not very obvious where you can change the number of students viewed per page. Instructors may miss students after when grading if you do not change the students per page. 


  1. Click on Grades on the Navbar
  2. Click on Enter Grades
  3. At the bottom of the page, click on the drop-down arrow next to 20 per page 
    expand view per page.png
  4. Depending on how many grade assignments you have in your gradebook depends on the options.  The more grade items the least amount of students you can show on the page.  Click on ... per page

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