Announcements – Copy Announcements to Other Courses Announcements – Copy Announcements to Other Courses

Announcements – Copy Announcements to Other Courses

D2L has added a new feature.

You can now Copy Announcements to one or more courses.


  1. Navigate to the class you want to add or copy an Announcement from in MyCourses.

  2. Scroll down until you see the News section on the left.

  3. Once you have added an Announcement, or if you choose to use one you already created, click on the Arrow by of the Announcement and click Copy to Other Courses.


  4. Choose all of the courses you want to copy the Announcement to, by selecting the checkbox beside them. Then click Next.

    Note: You can select up to 10 courses to copy the Announcement to.


5. Once you verify the correct course(s) you want the Announcement copied to, click Copy, then click            Done.


                  If the wrong course shows here, just click back to go back to the previous screen.  

6. Wait! You aren’t done yet!
    The Announcement you copied to another course, isn’t published by default.

    You STILL have to go into the courses you copied it to and move it from a Draft stage to a Published      stage.

    To do this go to the Waffle Icon by the course title and type in the course you copied the                          Announcement to. Type in the Course Name or Number and select it when it appears.

Copy of 2023-11-09_10-48-08.png

7. Now Navigate the News area one more time and click the arrow beside News, then click Go to News Tool


There you will see the Announcement you copied. Notice how it says Draft vs Published.


8. Click the arrow beside the Announcement title and click Edit. Make any changes you wish and then scroll down and click Publish to Publish the Announcement.


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