In MyCourses, announcements appear on the Course Home page which is the first thing students see when they enter your course. This means that they are the first chance you have to grab their attention each time.


What are announcements

In MyCourses, announcements appear on the Course Home page which is the first thing students see when they enter your course. This means that it is the first chance you have to grab their attention each time they access your course and inform them of events, deadlines, assignments, industry news, and much more!

Tips for designing effective announcements


Many courses use announcements to communicate with students, but there are ways of making your announcements more effective.

Accessibility Concerns


Designing with accessibility in mind is an excellent way to make your announcements more engaging for all of your students. For more on this design concept, watch this short video titled UDL at a glance. View the activity below for 10 steps to making your course more accessible. These steps can be used when designing announcements as well as in other areas of course design. They are simple steps you can take that will make your course more accessible to all.


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