Disaster Preparedness Info (Instructional Continuity Plan) Disaster Preparedness Info (Instructional Continuity Plan)

Disaster Preparedness Info (Instructional Continuity Plan)

In the event that a natural disaster or health crisis causes government officials to recommend that educational institutions cease in-person operations, disrupting the delivery of classes on campus for an extended period of time, SPC has planned ways instructional operations can continue following such an emergency. 

The 2021 Instructional Continuity Plan for Faculty is linked as a PDF below.

For up-to-date information, visit the SPCs Emergency Preparedness site, which includes updates and resources to help you determine your evacuation zone and how to prepare your home and family for an impending storm.

You may want to add our college Emergency Line, (866) 822-3978, to your cell phone as you can call this number for updates. If you have not already done so, please consider opting into our text messaging system, so we can text you with updates. Directions to opt-in can be found at spcemergency.com/receiving- alerts.

Questions? Contact the MyCourses Support Team by email at  MyCourses4Faculty@spcollege.edu 
or by phone at 727-341-3500 (Hours: Mon.- Fri. 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. EST).

For after-hours or weekend assistance, contact the SPC Helpdesk at 727-791-2795 or onlinehelp@spcollege.edu

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