Canvas Extended Time  Accommodations Canvas Extended Time  Accommodations

Canvas Extended Time Accommodations

This guide will explain how to extend time on Assignments and Quizzes for students. 


If you have received an accommodation request from a student to receive Extended Time follow the steps below:

Extended Time on Assignments

Step by Step

1. Go to your assignment within Canvas, and click Edit. 

2. Scroll down the section titled Assign. If you have already scheduled a due date, it should appear in the Due field. The Assign to field has a default value of Everyone.



3. Click the +Add button just below the Assign fields. 


4. Click in the new "Assign to" field that appears, and select the student or students who need additional time. 


5. Set the extended deadline dates for the student. Make sure that if you have set Available from and Until dates in the initial assignment settings that you modify the Until field to allow the student access up until their extended due date.


Extended Time on Quizzes

For one time accommodations:

How to Moderate a student's quiz attempt in New Quizzes


For course level accommodations:

How to add accommodations for a student in New Quizzes


Have Questions? Contact the Academic Technology Support Team 

 Phone at 727-341-3500 

(Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. EST).

After-hours or weekend assistance? Contact the Technical Support Center at 727-791-2795 or

Want to Schedule a One-on-One or Group Session on Canvas or other instructional technology issues or opportunities? 

Schedule 1:1 Support Help with a Member of the MyCourses4Faculty Team

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