You can use the Trim tool in Zoom to make better course content for your courses.

Trimming Cloud Recording Zoom Article Database

Step by Step

  1. Sign in to the Zoom web portal.

  2. In the navigation menu, click Recordings.
  3. Click the meeting topic for the session that you want to trim, then click the thumbnail of the video.

  4. Click  Trim.

  5. Use the blue sliders to specify the start time and the end time for the trimmed recording. This means that the blue highlighted area will be the trimmed recording.

    Note: To trim by the second, drag one of the sliders, then click the back arrow icon  or forward arrow icon .

  6. (Optional) Use these options to add or delete sections to the trimmed recording:
    • To add more sections to the trim, hover over the playback bar, then click the plus icon .  Use the blue sliders to specify the start time and the end time for the new section. Repeat this section as needed to add more sections.

    • To delete a section of the trim, hover over a trim (blue section of the recording playback bar), then click Remove.

  7. Click Trim, then click Trim to confirm.

    You will see a notification below the video stating that your recording is currently being trimmed. All associated files (audio and transcripts) will be trimmed and the trimmed version will overwrite the original recording file. The original recording can be restored at any time after trimming.

    • While content is being trimmed, viewers with access to the recording will not be able to view it. Typically, it takes about 2 hours to trim a recording. 

    • When the recording is done trimming, you will receive an email notification if enabled. Also, you must reload the page to view the trimmed recording.

  8. In the Zoom web portal, where the individual recording is located, click  Copy shareable link to share the trimmed recording with others.

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