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MyCourses Tutorials
Course Content
Course Content
Insert Stuff Tool in MyCourses
The Insert Stuff tool in MyCourses is a versatile feature that allows us...
Assignments – Google and Microsoft 365 Options Available in File Upload | New
MyCourses now allows direct file uploads from Google Drive™ and Micr...
Broken Topic in a Module
Sometimes you will see a topic within a module titled Broken Topic. Th...
Changing your Course Image
You are able to upload or change your course image. This can help you ...
Adding Content from the Learning Object Repository
The Learning Object Repository is a group of learning content items av...
How Setting Content to Hidden Affects a Students Experience
When you hide content in a module, students may still be able to acces...
The Manage Files Area - Creating a New File
The Manage Files area in MyCourses that stores all of your uploaded fi...
Keeping your Manage Files Organized - Uploading a File
Manage Files is an area in MyCourses that stores all of your uploaded ...
Set Completion Tracking Requirements
Completion tracking is a tool that allows faculty members to set compl...
Download an Individual Content Topic
There are times when your students or you would like to print or view ...
Rearrange Topics within a Module
Rearranging topics within a module may need to be done at times to mak...
Rearrange Topics to another Module
Moving content from one module to another module can seem like an easy...
Add a Video from Films on Demand
This tutorial reviews how to embed a video from Films on Demand direct...
Add Quizzes, Dropboxes, or Discussions to Course Content
MyCourses is designed so that the Submission Review area is meant for ...
Upload an Item (Image/File/Stuff)
This tutorial will show you how to upload a file into your course cont...
Create a Link
This tutorial will walk you through how to add a link from an outside ...
How to Add a Toolkit to Your Course
If you are interested in adding some extra help for your students on p...
Create a File (A content page within a module)
MyCourses calls a blank page that you can add text, video or other med...
Rename a Module
This tutorial will walk you through how to edit the name of an existin...
Delete a Module
This tutorial will walk you through how to delete a Module. Please be ...
Rearrange Modules
This tutorial will walk you through how to move your modules around on...
Create a Module or Sub-Module
This tutorial will show you how to create a new module or a new submod...
Create a Checklist for a Course
Checklists are to help students check off their completion of assignme...
Hide Content from Student View
This tutorial reviews how to hide different items in your course. You ...