This tutorial will explain the three types of rubric status: Draft, Published, and Archived. An important step after you have created the rubric is to change the status to Published so it can be used to assess the students work. 



  1. Click on Edit Course on the Navbar
  2. Click on Rubrics
  3. Click on the drop-down arrow dropdown example.pngnext to the name of the rubric you would like to change
  4. Click on Set Status
  5. Click on Draft, Published, or Archived

    •  Draft - You can make edits to the rubric.  You can not associate this with an item until it is published

    •  Published - You are ready to use and attach to topics

    •  Archived - If you no longer want to use the rubric but you do not want to delete it.

      NOTE:  It will disappear, you can still search for the rubric to use in the future

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