This guide is a step-by-step guide on how to build Surveys at SPC.

Within Survey Builder you can create custom surveys and edit previously created/shared surveys. 



Click here for the Survey Manual

Step-by-Step Guide:

Step 1: Access the Survey Builder

  1. Navigate to the Survey Builder: Go to SPC Survey Builder.
  2. Sign In Click on SPC Single Sign-On and use your SPC username and password to sign in.

Step 2: Main Survey & Form Builder Page

Once signed in, you will see the main Survey & Form Builder page.

Step 3: Create a New Survey

  1. Click on Create | New: To create a new survey.
    • Note: If you already have other surveys created, you can choose to Clone one then edit it.

Step 4: Enter Survey Details

The next screen will contain auto-populated information because you are signed in with SSO. It defaults to the Survey Details tab to start.

On the Survey Details Tab:

  1. Enter a Specific Title for your new survey.
  2. Provide Instructions: Include any instructions users might need to fill out the survey.


3. Click Save Form.

Step 5: Add Questions & Sections to Your Survey

After you click Save Form, you will be automatically placed on the Questions tab.

  • Note: You can navigate to the various tabs in whatever order you want.

1. Add Questions: Use Add button to add different types of questions to your survey.

    • You can add text, true/false, multiple-choice, open-ended and other types of questions.
    • Each question type comes with a list of options that relate directly to the type of question you are creating.
    • You can select those options according to your unique specifications per question.

Click here to learn More About Questions

2. Save Questions: Make sure to save your questions as you add them by clicking Save Question when you are done.

Additional Tabs and Features


  • Adjust settings for survey submissions: Send Submissions (not necessary, but could be emailed)
  • Submission Email message: Main email to send to
  • Thank You message
  • Confirmation page for the user: Set to Yes
  • Confirmation email
  • Redirect (not necessary- leave blank)

Don’t forget to click Save Form



Click Edit Access Settings to open the options


  • By default, the survey is set to Auto Open
  • Open Date: If you want it to open on a certain date
  • Open Time: If you want it to open at a certain time
  • Close Date: If you want it to close on a certain date
  • Close Time: If you want it to close at a certain time
  • Response Limit: If you want to limit the number of responses that come in
  • Require Login: If you want to ensure people taking the survey login to take it
  • Adjust settings for survey submissions: Send Submissions (not necessary, but could be emailed)
    • If you want to limit it to 1 submission per user
    • If you want to Allow Single Sign On (SSO)
  • Access Code: If you want to give one out for Survey Access

Don’t forget to click Save Form



  • Banner: Choose your own Banner
  • Theme: Click Default Theme to choose from one of the pre-populated themes

Don’t forget to click Save Form


Here you can preview your survey to see how it would appear to users.

Share Your Survey with Others

You can share your Survey with others by copying and pasting the URL address or sharing via a QR code.


Actions Tab

  1. Close – the survey
  2. Delete – the survey

Survey Results

Watch this video on how to get your Survey Results

Step 6: Finalize and Publish

  1. Review: Go through all tabs to ensure everything is set up correctly.
  2. Publish: Once satisfied with your survey, publish it and start collecting responses.

Here are a few extra videos you might be interested in:


More Survey Videos


For More Detailed Help with Surveys please click here to schedule a 1:1 With Tiffany Cantrell 



Have Questions? Contact the Academic Technology Support Team 

 Phone at 727-341-3500 

(Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. EST).

After-hours or weekend assistance? Contact the Technical Support Center at 727-791-2795 or

Want to Schedule a One-on-One or Group Session on Canvas or other instructional technology issues or opportunities? 

Schedule 1:1 Support Help with a Member of the MyCourses4Faculty Team


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