Dissociate grades from quizzes, Dropboxes, and Discussion Dissociate grades from quizzes, Dropboxes, and Discussion

Dissociate grades from quizzes, Dropboxes, and Discussion

The process of dissociating grades from Quizzes, Discussions, and Dropboxes is a useful tool to maintain flexibility and control over your course assessments. This guide will walk you through the steps to achieve this, allowing you to separate the quiz, discussion, and Dropbox scores from the gradebook, which can be particularly beneficial for formative assessments, practice quizzes, or any scenario where you wish to provide feedback without affecting final grades.

Note: Dropbox and discussions Step by steps can be found below the quiz section.

Dissociate Quizzes

Step by Step

  1. Click Submissions and select Quizzes.

  2. Select the Drop-down arrow next to the quiz and click Edit.
    carrot and edit.png

    Note: If you see a Ribbon next to the dropdown menu that means the quiz is a graded item.
    Ribbon for grade.png

  3. Click in Gradebook and select Not in Gradebook. 
    ingradebook_not in gradebook.png
  4. Click Save and Close.
    Save and close.png

    Note: Graded Ribbon will be removed when item is no longer in gradebook.

    Ribbon without.png

Dissociate Dropboxes

Step by Step

  1.  Click Submissions, select Dropboxes.

  2. Select the Drop-down arrow next to the quiz and click Edit Folder.

  3. Click in Gradebook and select Not in Gradebook. 
    In gradebook_not in gradebook.png

  4. Click Save and Close.
    Save and close.png

Dissociate Discussions

Step by Step

  1. Click Submissions, then select Discussions.

  2. Dropdown_Edit Topic.png

    Note: The Ribbon icon below the Topic will identify graded Discussions.
    Ribons for grade.png

  3. Click Assessment.
    Click assessment.png

  4. Click Dropdown menu under Grade Item 
    Click Dropdown.png

  5. Select -- Choose a grade item --

    Note: This selection will remove it from the gradebook.
    Ungrade discussion gif.gif

  6. Click Save and Close.
    Save and close.png

    Important: The Grade Ribbon may still be present after you change the setting. Check your gradebook for the course.
    Grade ribbon is still present.png


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