Canvas Terminology- Features & Functions Canvas Terminology- Features & Functions

Canvas Terminology- Features & Functions











An Account represents an administrative organization unit within Canvas. Every instance of Canvas has the potential to contain a hierarchy of accounts but begins with just one account (referred to as the root account). An account can also contain a subaccount. Canvas admins can manage all accounts and subaccounts for their institutions.


Announcements is a communication tool that allows instructors to post announcements for all users in a course. Announcements can be created in courses and groups. Canvas admins can also make announcements for an entire Canvas account. Instructors can allow students to reply to announcements.


An assignment is any activity assessment that is created by the instructor. Assignments can include Assignments, Discussions, and Quizzes. Some assignments are submitted for no grade. Other assignments may be submitted offline but tracked in the Canvas Gradebook or be submitted online.

Assignments is a link in Course Navigation. The Assignments page lists all assignment types in a course.

How do I create an Assignment?

Blueprint Course

A Blueprint Course is a course that serves as a template for other courses. A course is set as a Blueprint Course in Course Settings. Courses that are linked to the Blueprint Course are called associated courses. When a Blueprint Course is synced, Blueprint Course content is copied to associated courses to match the Blueprint Course content. A Blueprint Course can include admin and instructor enrollments but not student enrollments. A course can only be associated with one Blueprint Course at a time.


Breadcrumbs are the trail at the top of a page window that helps users see what page they are viewing in the course hierarchy. Breadcrumbs can be found at the top of the page in the course navigation area. They appear as a horizontal path showing your current location within the course, helping you easily track where you are and navigate back to previous pages




The Calendar is a communication tool that shows users all events and assignments in their courses and groups.

The Calendar is a link in Global Navigation. Learn more about the Calendar.

Canvas Community

The Canvas Community is an external resource provided by Canvas for all Canvas customers. The Canvas Community includes the Canvas Guides, which provides all Canvas documentation and videos, idea conversations, community groups, and more.

Course Code

The course code is a short name for a course. The course code is displayed at the top of the Course Navigation Menu and as part of course cards in the dashboard.

Course Code.png

Course Home Page

The Course Home Page is the first page that students see in a course. 

The Home Page is a link in Course Navigation.


Course Import Tool

The Course Import Tool allows content to be imported from existing Canvas courses and content packages from other LMS and textbook publishers. The Course Import Tool is located in Course Settings.

Learn more about the Course Import Tool.

Course Navigation

Course Navigation is a menu on the left side of a Canvas course. Course Navigation consists of navigation links directed to all the feature areas within a course.

Course Setup Checklist

More information will be released on this subject at a later date.

Course Statistics

Course Statistics are an instructor tool that summarizes overall student participation in the course.

Learn more about Course Statistics

Course Status

Course Status refers to the state of a Canvas course. All new Canvas courses begin in an unpublished state, where admins can manage course enrollments and instructors can prepare content and assignments for students. A published state means the course is available to students. A concluded state means the course has ended and users can access content in a read-only format.

CSV File

A comma separated value (CSV) file is a file type designed for importing and exporting content. Instructors can create a CSV file from Excel or Google Docs.


The Dashboard is a panel of content that acts as the Canvas default landing page and provides an overview of all Canvas activity for a user. The Dashboard shows all courses and groups, recent activity, to-do items, upcoming assignments, and recent feedback.

Direct Share

Direct Share is a Canvas feature that allows instructors to copy content to another course or share content with another user. Direct Share can be used in Assignments, Discussions, Modules, Pages, Quizzes, and New Quizzes.


Discussions is a forum designed to facilitate informal communication between students in a course. Discussions can also be created as assignments for grading purposes. Students can also respond to informal and graded discussions in the context of a group. All Discussions content is public, and all course students can view and reply to a discussion.

Discussions is a link in Course Navigation. Learn more about Discussions.


Canvas DocViewer is a document preview tool that displays file previews for supported file types. Some file types may need to be downloaded for viewing if they cannot be previewed through DocViewer.

DocViewer also allows annotations in online assignment submissions in Canvas. 


Equations are an expression of mathematical functions that can be entered and viewed in various areas of the Canvas interface. Equations can be added using the Math Editor in the New Rich Content Editor or MathQuil in New Quizzes. Equations are also accepted in other Canvas text fields, including assignment titles and calendar events.


Canvas provides a file repository for each user, group, and course. Files can be public or private.

Files is a link in User Navigation or Course Navigation. Learn more about Files.

Free for Teacher

We are update this closer to Canvas release date.


Global Navigation

Global Navigation is the menu that appears on every Canvas page. Global Navigation consists of navigation links that direct users to frequently-used features in Canvas.

In the New Canvas User Interface (UI), Global Navigation is located on the left of every Canvas page.


The Gradebook stores information about student progress in Canvas. Canvas includes two types of gradebooks: a standard gradebook that provides a collection of numerical or letter-grade assessments, and a Learning Mastery Gradebook that compiles assessments based on learning standards and outcomes.

The Gradebook is a link in Course Navigation for instructors.

Learn more about the Gradebook.


Grades are a measurement of student performance. Students can calculate hypothetical grades on this page. Instructors can quickly edit grades for any course or section in the Gradebook.

Grades is a link in Course Navigation for students.


Groups is a tool that helps instructors separate students into smaller course units. Groups can be created for students or by students to enable efficient collaboration.

Groups is a link in the Global Navigation Menu. Learn more about Groups.


The Help feature is part of Global Navigation and helps users get help in Canvas at any time. The Help link can be customized by a Canvas admin for the institution and may display as a different name.


The Inbox is a messaging tool used in Canvas to communicate with other users. The Inbox is accessible from Global Navigation and provides a single location to manage and send messages within a course.


Modules is a tool that allows instructors to organize course content into a structured framework. Instructors can create Modules to display content by week, unit, or theme, and they can set prerequisites and requirements for content progression.

Modules is a link in Course Navigation. Learn more about Modules.

New Rich Content Editor

The New Rich Content Editor is an updated text editor in Canvas that allows users to create and format content in various areas of Canvas, such as Pages, Assignments, and Discussions. The New Rich Content Editor includes features such as text formatting, multimedia embedding, and mathematical equation editing.


Notifications allow users to customize how they receive updates about course activity and changes. Users can choose to receive notifications via email, text, or in the Canvas mobile app.


Outcomes are measurable knowledge and skills that students are expected to learn through the course. Instructors can create assignments, assessments, and quizzes that evaluate students against defined learning outcomes.

Outcomes is a link in Course Navigation for instructors. Learn more about Outcomes.


Pages are static content areas in a Canvas course that can include text, images, videos, links, and other multimedia. Instructors can create and organize Pages to provide information or instructional materials to students.

More information will be posted in the near future on this feature.


Quizzes is a tool that allows instructors to create assessments for students. Quizzes can include various question types, such as multiple choice, true/false, fill-in-the-blank, and essay questions. Instructors can also set time limits and assign quizzes to specific groups.

Quizzes is a link in Course Navigation. Learn more about Quizzes.


Rubrics are tools that define assessment criteria for assignments, discussions, and quizzes. Instructors can create and attach rubrics to assignments to streamline grading and provide clear expectations for students.

Rubrics can be accessed through the assignment details page. Learn more about Rubrics.


SpeedGrader is an instructor tool for grading assignments, providing feedback, and viewing student submissions. SpeedGrader allows instructors to view assignments alongside student submissions and add comments and annotations directly on submissions.


Subaccounts are subdivisions of a Canvas account. Subaccounts can be used to organize courses and users based on departments, subjects, or any other criteria that meets an institution's needs. Instructors may only manage the courses within their own subaccounts.

User Navigation

User Navigation is the menu on the left side of the Canvas interface that provides access to user-specific tools and settings. User Navigation links are set by default to streamline student experience. 



Users are individuals enrolled in a Canvas course. Instructors can manage users through course settings and enrollments. Users can be students, instructors, or admins, depending on their roles within the course.



Videos can be embedded in various areas of Canvas content, including Pages, Assignments, and Discussions. Instructors can upload videos directly to Canvas or link to external video hosting services.



Panopto is a video platform used by educational institutions and businesses for recording, sharing, and managing videos. It allows users to easily capture lectures, presentations, and meetings, and offers features such as video editing, automatic captions, and analytics. With its integration capabilities, Panopto can be embedded within learning management systems, making it a useful tool for delivering video content in online or hybrid environments. Learn more about Panopto.



In Canvas, moderate means to adjust the settings for assignments and quizzes. For example, instructors can moderate quiz attempts by adjusting time limits, allowing additional attempts, or even granting extra time to specific students, often in cases where accommodations are needed. Instructors can also moderate discussions by reviewing and approving posts before they are visible to the rest of the class. 


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