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MyCourses Tutorials
The Gradebook
The Gradebook
Weighted GradeBook
This process in MyCourses is designed for managing a weighted gradebook,...
Gradebook Settings: Calculation Options
Calculation Options Settings: These determine how the course's grade...
Gradebook Settings: Student Display Options
In the overall settings for the gradebook, you can select the Studen...
Quick Eval (All Courses)
Quick Eval is a one-stop area, to grade ALL student work for ALL cours...
Grade Item Exemptions
One or more students can be exempted from a specific assignment in a c...
Printing/Saving Grades with Excel
This is the description area for all tutorials. This area will have a ...
Dropping Ungraded Items
This setting is defaulted to drop the ungraded items in your gradebook...
Grade Item Statistics
You can view some statistics for either a category or individual grade...
Grading and Adding Feedback for Multiple Students at One Time
Have you found yourself entering the same feedback and grades for mult...
Using Bulk Edit on the Gradebook
Using Bulk Edit will allow you to change a number of settings on multi...
Reorder Grade Items
It is a best practice to have your grade items in the order the studen...
Deleting Grade Items
Deleting a grade item can be frustrating if you do not understand grad...
Sorting Grade Columns
The First Name column within Enter Grades area the default sorted colu...
Restoring Deleted Grade Items
If you delete a grade item by mistake, you can easily restore the item...
Manually Enter Grades
There are times that you may need to adjust a student’s grade or add g...
Collapsing and Hiding Columns
The Enter Grades Area of the gradebook can be a bit overwhelming becau...
Preview the Gradebook as a Student View
Seeing a true student view of the gradebook can help you troubleshoot ...
Issues Zeros for Students who did not Complete an Assignment
A best practice is for the students to be aware of their current grade...
Dropping the Lowest or Highest Grade within a Weighted Gradebook
You may find it necessary to drop grade items from a category in your ...
Adding Bonus Grade Items to Weighted Gradebook – Scenario 3 - Bonus Item not in a Category
This quick guide describes adding a bonus item and not putting it into...
Add Bonus Grade Items to Weighted Gradebook – Scenario 2 - Bonus Item in Category with Points Distributed across Category
This quick guide describes adding a bonus item to a weighted category ...
Add Bonus Grade Items to Weighted Gradebook: Scenario 1 – Bonus Item in Category with Weights Distributed Evenly
This quick guide describes adding a bonus item to a weighted category ...
Adding Grade Items to an Established Weighted Gradebook
Within a weighted gradebook, The Max. Points you assign to individual ...
Gradebook Settings: Personal Display Options
There are a number of settings and features you can control in a Point...
Creating a Weighted Gradebook from Scratch
A weighted gradebook calculates grade items as a percentage of a final...
Dropping the Lowest or Highest Grade within a Points Gradebook
You may find it necessary to drop grade items from a category in y...
Adding Bonus Grade Items to Points Gradebook – Scenario 1 – Bonus Item in Category
This quick guide describes adding a bonus item to an extra credit cate...
Adding Bonus Grade Items to Points Gradebook – Scenario 2 – Bonus Item not within a Category
This quick guide describes adding a bonus item without putting into a ...
Create a Numeric Grade Item
In this tutorial, we will guide you step by step on how to create a gr...
Adding Grade Items to an Established Points Gradebook
With the points system, the maximum points assigned to an individual g...