What is on the Users Tab - Quiz Submissions What is on the Users Tab - Quiz Submissions

What is on the Users Tab - Quiz Submissions

The Users Tab of quiz submissions by default displays only those students who have completed an attempt. You can use this tab to search for a specific student and/or filter the search results on other criteria besides the default display.


  1. Click on Submission Review on the Navbar.
  2. Click Quizzes. You will be taken to the Manage Quizzes page.
  3. Click on the dropdown arrow next to the quiz name.
  4. Click Grade.

From the User Tabs: Defaults to Completed Attempts

  1. If you wish to search for a specific student, enter the student's last name in the Search For text field.

  2. Click the Search Icon searchIcon.jpg . Click Clear Search because MyCourses will remember the search the next time you view the submissions.

  3. You can use the Restrict to dropdown list to filter your search results. Choose one of the following

    • All Users - Results will display students who have not and have attempted plus any students who have started the quiz but not submitted it.

    • Users Who have Not Taken an Attempt - Results will display students who have not taken the quiz.

    • Users with Attempts in Progress - Results will display students who have started the quiz but not submitted it. Please review the View an In Progress Quiz Submission guide for more info. 

    • Users with an Overall Score - If you choose this item, you have to then choose an operator (greater than, less than, etc.) and score. The results will depend on the operator and score.

    • Users who have previewed attempts -  Results will display those users who have used the preview feature of the quiz. Typically this would be the faculty only. Students do not have the rights to preview quizzes. Please review the tutorial about Previewing a Quiz for more info.

  4. Click the Search Icon searchIcon.jpg  after each choice. Click Clear Search because MyCourses will remember the search the next time you view the submissions.

  5. Click Save and Close

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