How to Unsubscribe to a Discussion Forum, Topic, or Thread How to Unsubscribe to a Discussion Forum, Topic, or Thread

How to Unsubscribe to a Discussion Forum, Topic, or Thread

If you no longer want to get notifications about activity happening within the discussions of you course, you can easily unsubscribe. Once you do so, you will no longer get notifications. 


  1. Click on Submissions on the Navbar
  2. Click Discussions
  3. To unsubscribe to a forum:

    1. Click the context menu contextMenuTriangleIcon.jpg next to the name of the forum.

    2. Click Unsubscribe.

    3. Click Yes in the confirmation box.
  4. To unsubscribe to a topic:

    1. Method 1:

      1. Click the context menu contextMenuTriangleIcon.jpg next to the name of the topic.

      2. Click Unsubscribe.

      3. Click Yes in the confirmation box.

    2. Method 2:

      1. Click the name of the topic.

      2. Click Subscribed.

      3. Click Yes in the confirmation box.

  5. To unsubscribe to a thread:

    1. Click the name of the topic.

    2. You will see a list of threads.

    3. Click Subscribed.

    4. Click Yes in the confirmation box.


Questions? Contact the MyCourses Support Team by email at 
or by phone at 727-341-3500 (Hours: Mon.- Fri. 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. EST).

For after hours or weekend assistance, contact the SPC Helpdesk at 727-791-2795 or 

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