Statistics give you an overview of user activity in your discussion topics and forums. As the semester unfolds, you can use statistics to pinpoint topics in need of conversation-starters and to follow the participation levels of different users.


  1. Click on Submission Review on the Navbar
  2. Click on Discussions
  3. Click on Statistics 
  4. Users:
    • Org Unit Statistics - This information is the statistics for the entire course.  It gives you an overall of all the threads and replies within the entire course. 

    • User Statistics - This area allows you to click on a student's name to see individual statistics for that student.
      • You can search for a student

      • You can click on any column heading to sort it

      • You can click on a student's name to drill down to see the activity for that individual student.
  5. Forums and Topics:
    • Org Unit Statistics - This information is the statistics for the entire course.  It gives you an overall of all the threads and replies within the course.  

    • Forum and Topic Statistics - This area will allow you to click on a forum or topic to see individual statistics for each forum or topic.
      • You can click on any column heading to sort it

      • You can click on the name of a topic or forum to drill down to see all the activity within that forum or topic for each individual student.

Have Questions? Contact the Academic Technology Support Team 

 Phone at 727-341-3500 

(Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. EST).

After-hours or weekend assistance? Contact the Technical Support Center at 727-791-2795 or

Want to Schedule a One-on-One or Group Session on Canvas or other instructional technology issues or opportunities? 

Schedule 1:1 Support Help with a Member of the MyCourses4Faculty Team


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