How to navigate the Grid View and Other Items found within the Grid View How to navigate the Grid View and Other Items found within the Grid View

How to navigate the Grid View and Other Items found within the Grid View

The grid view allows you to see all the threads and posts within a single space. This tutorial will show you how to navigate the threads and posts through a visual guide to the Discussion Tool Grid Tool. 


  1. Click on Submission Review on the Navbar
  2. Click on Discussions (Make sure you have turned on grid view)
  3. Click on the title of a discussion

Visual Guide to Discussion Tool's Grid View

  1. Title of Discussion
  2. Start a New Thread- This allows you to create a new thread
  3. Refresh - Refreshes the page
  4. Mark All Read - This will mark all posts within the topic to be marked as read
  5. More Actions:
    • Hide Search - This allows you to turn on or off the search function within the grid view
    • Subscriptions- This will take you to the subscriptions page
  6. Subscribe to a Topic - This allows you to subscribe to this topic

  7. View - You can filter the posts you would like to see
    • Threaded
    • Unthreaded
    • All posts
    • Unread Only
    • Flagged Only

  8. This icon indicates that the discussion is locked due to a date restriction

  9. Search For...  - Allows you to search for a post subject or text within the body of a message

  10. Mark Unread - This will mark selected posts as unread

  11. Delete - This will delete the selected posts

  12. Print - This will compile selected posts into a single printable page

  13. Flag - You can flag or search for flagged students

  14. Bold Post Title - This post has not been read
  15. This post has been read since not bold 

  16. Authored by - Who the post was created by

  17. Date - The date the post was created

  18. Average Rating - If you have this setting on, posts can be rated by students


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