Creating Bonus and Mandatory Questions Creating Bonus and Mandatory Questions

Creating Bonus and Mandatory Questions

You may want a question(s) to count as extra credit (bonus) within a quiz, or you may want to make sure students cannot submit a quiz without answering all the questions (mandatory). 

Step-by-Step - Layout

  1. Click on Submissions on the Navbar

  2. Click Quizzes

  3. Click on the Name of the quiz you wish to edit.

  4. Scroll down below the settings to the quiz questions

  5. Check the box next to the questions you wish you make bonus (or mandatory but not both at once)
  6. Click More Actions on the right above the questions


  7. Click toggle bonus or toggle mandatory
    Toggle bonus.png

  8. Click on Save and Close.

Questions? Contact the MyCourses Support Team by email at 
or by phone at 727-341-3500 (Hours: Mon.- Fri. 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. EST).

For after-hours or weekend assistance, contact the SPC Helpdesk at 727-791-2795 or

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