What is single sign-on?

Single sign-on (SSO) is a way to sign in using one login, one time, and be connected to most SPC systems from one spot. It is encrypted and designed to keep your information secure.

This system aims to improve the experience of our students, faculty, and staff by allowing them to access college resources more conveniently using a single username and password.

Our SSO is called Titan Hub


How do I access Titan Hub?

  1. To log in to Titan Hub, click the Titan Login button located on www.spcollege.edu

  2. A separate login page will pop up, enter your SPC e-mail address and password. 

What if I am a student who does not know my SPC email address?

You are able to look up your email address by selecting the Student ID/Email Lookup feature on the sign-in page where you enter your SPC email and password.  You will need to answer two security questions. (Social and DOB). If someone is still unable to locate their Email address contact the Technical Support Center for assistance at (727) 341-4357.


What if I’m logged in as a staff member and need to access my student account?

You are able to access content in MyCourses without the need to switch accounts.  Accessing other applications will require you to sign out of the staff account and log in using your student account. You can sign out of the Titan Hub by clicking your profile icon at the top right and then clicking log out.  If you are having any technical issues switching between accounts please contact the Technical Support Center.


What else do I need to do to keep my account safe?

The most important things you can do are lock your computer when you step away and log off when it is not in use. Additionally, complying with the password requirements and expirations is important. 


What if I need additional help?

If you need additional help please contact the Technical Support Center for assistance at (727) 341-4357 for Students and (727) 791-2795 for Faculty and Staff.


Questions? Contact the MyCourses Support Team by email at  MyCourses4Faculty@spcollege.edu 
or by phone at 727-341-3500 (Hours: Mon. - Fri. 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. EST).

For after hours or weekend assistance, contact the SPC Helpdesk at 727-791-2795 or onlinehelp@spcollege.edu

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