Edit Your Simple Syllabus from the Navbar Edit Your Simple Syllabus from the Navbar

Edit Your Simple Syllabus from the Navbar

NOTE: Click here to review the guide on Enabling or Disabling Simple Syllabus in your Course. 
Courses that use Simple Syllabus will have a tab on the Navbar called Syllabus. Instructors can click Syllabus on their navbar to edit and publish their course syllabus. There are several components of your syllabus that will be populated for you, all you need to do is edit personal and course information and add/modify sections that are relevant to your course.

Step-by-Step: Accessing Your Simple Syllabus

  1. Click Syllabus on the Navbar in your course:
  2. Your course syllabus will display and will be ready for you to edit! At the top of the page, you have a few options to review before getting started:

    A. If needed, you can open your Simple Dashboard in a new window.

    B. In order for your syllabus to display on the Simple Syllabus portal for prospective students, the visibility status of the syllabus should be set to General Public.

    C. If you want to use a syllabus you previously prepared, you can replace it with another syllabus (this can save time if you are teaching multiple sections of the same course within a term, or want to reuse a syllabus from a prior term).



Step-by-Step: Editing Your Simple Syllabus

  1. OPTIONAL: Add a welcome message for your students at the top of the page.
  2. Scroll down the page and review areas where you will need to edit, update, or hide information.
  3. EDITING INFO: Click the blue pencil icon to edit information in each section. Sections outlined in orange require editing.
    instructor contact info.png
  4. COMPONENT PRIVACY: There are certain components that have a “Public/Private” slider button. Simple Syllabus is maintained on a public-facing website. If you want to have the information in these blocks only available to your students, you can change the setting in these blocks to “Private.”
    component privacy.png

  5. COMPONENT VISIBILITY: Similar to a component being public, there are certain blocks that you can control if they are visible to students or not. Some blocks are locked to Visible and cannot be hidden.
    block some componets example.png

  6. AUTO-POPULATED COMPONENTS: Some information such as Course Information and Outcomes and Objectives are filled in automatically because they are predetermined for each course. There is no need to do anything with these components; they are locked for editing.
    Course Objectives.png

    Your edits and modifications will carry over when you choose to reuse a syllabus from a prior term or use the same syllabus for multiple sections of your course within the same term. You can edit anything you carry over after importing.

  7. MYCOURSES SCHEDULE OF ASSIGNMENT:  Note that you have the option to either SYNC your course schedule of assignments with MyCourses or ADD your own typed assignment schedule.

    You must have one or the other. If you're choosing to Sync assignments with MyCourses, and you are seeing doubles of your assignments in this area of your syllabus, you may be creating "events" using the calendar function in MyCourses, and both the "events" and the assignments are being reflected in the sync. For assistance, reach out to MyCourses4faculty@spcollege.edu.

  8. PUBLISH SYLLABUS: At the very bottom of your syllabus page, you will see the blue Submit button. This button will only be available once you have completed all required sections. Click Submit to publish your syllabus for students.

    The publish button will not turn blue until you have completed all required sections. Outstanding Required sections are listed above the submit button.
    Note: You can go back and edit your syllabus after you have clicked the Submit button. 

    public button no blue until all sections completed example.png
  9. If you are having technical issues with your Simple Syllabus, reach out to MyCourses4Faculty@spcollege.edu for help.

    Important: When pasting from Word documents into Simply Syllabus, be cautious, as the document's formatting may disrupt editing privileges. To avoid this, a recommended approach is to perform a 'Save As' on the Word document, saving it as a .RTF file, and then paste the content into Simply Syllabus. Alternatively, for a cleaner transfer, paste the content first into a basic text editor like Notepad for Windows or TextEdit for Mac OS, then copy it into Simply Syllabus, and utilize Simple Syllabus' Rich Text Editor to format your text.

    Click Here for a video explaining this topic.

    If you are looking for guidance on how to phrase information in your syllabus, how best to organize information, recommended practices, or other design/pedagogical questions, reach out to IDEAS@spcollege.edu.


Questions? Contact the MyCourses Support Team by email at  MyCourses4Faculty@spcollege.edu 
or by phone at 727-341-3500 (Hours: Mon.- Fri. 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. EST).

For after-hours or weekend assistance, contact the SPC Helpdesk at 727-791-2795 or onlinehelp@spcollege.edu 


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