Emailing Users Without a Submission to a Dropbox Emailing Users Without a Submission to a Dropbox

Emailing Users Without a Submission to a Dropbox

Informing students who have not submitted to a Dropbox assignment before it is due is a good way to remind them of the due date and encourage them to submit their work. This tutorial will show you how to quickly send an email to all students in the class who have not yet submitted their assignments to a Dropbox.


  1. Click on Submissions on the Navbar

  2. Click on Dropboxes

  3. Click on the Title of the Dropbox

  4. Click on Email Users Without Submissions at the top of the page.

    email users without submissions.png

    • A Compose New Message window will appear, and students who have not submitted their assignment to this dropbox will be automatically added to the message as blind copied recipients. This means they will not know who else received the message and will only see that it came from you.

  5. Type in the Subject. Do not delete the text in between the brackets, this information helps determine where the message originated.

  6. Type in your Message in the Body of the email.

  7. Click Send

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