There are several scenarios where you might need to edit a Dropbox that already exists in your course. For example, if you need to change the due date, set up special access for a student with accommodations, or enable Turnitin on a Dropbox. This tutorial reviews each of the Dropbox settings you can adjust.

IMPORTANT: Once students submit work to a Dropbox, some settings become locked for editing and can no longer be adjusted.


  1. Navigate to Submissions from the Navbar

  2. Select Dropboxes

  3. Locate the Dropbox you wish to edit, click the down arrow next to its title, and then select edit folder

  4. This will bring you to the Dropbox settings page

  5. Edit the area or setting of the Dropbox based on the visual guide below

    Visual Guide to Dropbox Settings Screen

    1. Name: Title of the Dropbox

    2. Score Out Of: Total points the assignment is worth

    3. Grade Item: The associated grade item. Select which grade item this Dropbox is connected to in this area. 

    4. Due Date: You can update the date or time of day your Dropbox is due. Note the default Due Date time is set to 11:59 pm.

    5. Instructions: The text box is where you can edit or add instructions, as well as insert images or files

    6. Availability Dates & Conditions: Adjust availability dates, add/edit special access, and add/edit restrictions

    7. Submission & Completion: Adjust submission conditions and setting. Add or change category, set submission type and attempts allowed/kept. View the guide below for a more in-depth tutorial on submission and completion options. 

    8. Evaluation & Feedback: Set evaluation and feedback settings like rubrics and Turnitin. Manage Turnitin settings and edit a rubric here.

    9. External Attachments: Attach files and links outside of the instructions area. Attachments are downloadable for students.

Have Questions? Contact the Academic Technology Support Team 

 Phone at 727-341-3500 

(Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. EST).

After-hours or weekend assistance? Contact the Technical Support Center at 727-791-2795 or

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