Faculty can now send their students a registration reminder text  &/or email right from the course home page. The registration reminder tool will appear at the start of week 12 of the 16-week semester. It will be available for faculty to use until the end of the semester. You can click the tool and non-registered students will appear and faculty can send a prepopulated text &/or email or edit the default one provided. 



1. Visit the course home page on week 12 or later


2. Click the Registration Reminder Tool


3. A pop-up will open. Registered students appear on the right of the pop-up. Students who have recently been texted/emailed will be greyed out. Students who are available to text/email will appear.

Note: Students can only be messaged every 5 days by St. Petersburg College so as not to bombard them. 

Student messaging.png

4. You can either click Text &/or Email all eligible students to send out the same message to students at once (this will not be a group text, it will be all individuals) or click Text Student/Email Student next to a student's profile. 


5. Whether you select to text & or email all students or just one student, a pop-up with an editable message will appear. The student names will be dynamically added to the message greeting. You can either edit the pre-populated text or leave it as is. Your last name will also be populated. You can remove a student from the recipient list. 

6. Click Send Reminder to Students to send the text(s)/email(s). 

Have Questions? Contact the Academic Technology Support Team


 Phone at 727-341-3500 

(Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. EST).

After-hours or weekend assistance? Contact the Technical Support Center at 727-791-2795 or onlinehelp@spcollege.edu

Want to Schedule a One-on-One or Group Session on Canvas or other instructional technology issues or opportunities? 

Schedule 1:1 Support Help with a Member of the MyCourses4Faculty Team

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