There are several roles in MyCourses. When you add someone to your course, you are also asked to select a role for that user. Each role has different rights to meet the various needs of our learning community. You can view the role of a user in any course from the Classlist next to their name.  

Here is a high-level breakdown of each role in MyCourses and their permissions:  

Role Name Description
Faculty This is the role for faculty who appear on the People Soft Roster as course instructor. Faculty are automatically enrolled in courses they are assigned to teach.
Faculty-Added This role should be used when enrolling faculty in a course who are not listed on the People Soft roster as the course instructor. This role is essentially the same as the Faculty role, but allows additional faculty to remain in a course they are not assigned to teach.
Facilitator Clone of the Faculty role but this role is used for MyCourses training facilitators and Group owners that don't fit into the faculty role.
Teaching Assistant This role has the same permission as the faculty role but cannot add/modify/delete content. This role allows the user to email students from the classlist. This role does not have access to student grade information. This role can see hidden content.
SPC-Aide Clone of student role, to be used for tutors, interpreters, special needs assistance, etc. This role cannot be graded. This role can email the classlist. This role does not have access to student grade information. This role cannot see hidden content.
Mentor To be used by advisors, etc. related to student success.  Users in this role do not appear on the classlist and cannot email students. This role can see student grade information, but cannot edit or enter grades. This role can see hidden content.
Student SPC students. Faculty cannot impersonate SPC student accounts. 
Student-Incomplete When a student is issued an incomplete, faculty should change their role in the course to "Student-Incomplete" on the classlist. Changing their role will grant the student access to a course after the end date has passed. Once the student has completed their work or the window of time allotted to them has passed, the faculty member must change their role back to "student" to end their access to that course. 
DemoStudent Same as the student role, but can be impersonated by faculty. This role should only be used for the SPC demo student role.
Reviewer This role is used for faculty or adjuncts who need to view the course for purposes of standard course peer review or orientation to the content. Provides access to hidden content.
Copy Out Only This role is used to copy from a "Standard" course. This role is only to copy not to make changes to the standards. 


Questions? Contact the MyCourses Support Team by email at 
or by phone at 727-341-3500 (Hours: Mon.- Fri. 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. EST).

For after hours or weekend assistance, contact the SPC Helpdesk at 727-791-2795 or 

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