Adding or Deleting Calendars from the Calendar Menu Adding or Deleting Calendars from the Calendar Menu

Adding or Deleting Calendars from the Calendar Menu

The calendar is a global tool within MyCourses. This means you can view more than one calendar even if you are in an individual course. You can add or delete calendars from the list easily. You can also filter which calendars you wish to see. Lastly, you can also change the colors of the various calendars so you can know which course each event is from. 


  1. Click on Calendar on the Navbar
  2. Across from the date, you will see the name of the course that you have entered.  Click on the dropdown arrow sandbox example.pngnext to the name of the course.

  3. From here you can:
    1. Filter the calendars:  Clicking on Show All Calendars will display all events for all the calendars that you are on the classlist. Changing the month view, for example, will display each event in a different color.  Placing your mouse over an event will show the course that event was created in.  Clicking on the name of a course will show the events for that course even if you are in another course.  Clicking on the X icon will delete the calendar from the list.  Note- this will not delete the events from that calendar.  
    2. Change the Color:  Clicking on the Change Color icon change color icon.png will allow you to change the color for each calendar.  Choose the calendar from the drop-down list.  Click on one of the color palette icons.  Click Apply. Click Done.
    3. Add calendars:  Clicking the Add Calendar icon add calendar icon.png will allow you to add calendars back to the list that you deleted off the list. Click the checkbox next to the calendar you would like to add back. Click Add.

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or by phone at 727-341-3500 (Hours: Mon.- Fri. 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. EST).

For after hours or weekend assistance, contact the SPC Helpdesk at 727-791-2795 or 



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