The Calendar Feed allows you to add course events from the calendar function to MyCourses to calendars outside of MyCourses like Google and Outlook. Here is how you can send your calendar events to your personal calendar.


  1. Click on Calendar on the Navbar

  2. Click on Settings

  3. Check the box next to Enable Calendar Feeds.  This enables a private address that can be used to subscribe to your calendars via an iCal feed

  4. Click on Save

  5. You will now see Subscribe next to settings subscribe.png, click on Subscribe

  6. In the dropdown list, decide which calendars to subscribe to or all

  7. Copy and Paste the URL and place it into another calendar tool. (Your events will now be added to your external calendar)

Questions? Contact the MyCourses Support Team by email at 
or by phone at 727-341-3500 (Hours: Mon.- Fri. 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. EST).

For after hours or weekend assistance, contact the SPC Helpdesk at 727-791-2795 or 

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