Playlists help you organize the videos you upload to YouTube into easily searchable categories. For example, you could create Playlists for different courses (i.e. CGS1100) or topics (i.e. Computer Hardware).



  1. Go to
  2. Click on Sign In
  3. Click on Your Videos
    youtube your videos.png
  4. Click on YouTube Studio

  5. Click on Playlist
  6. Click on Edit next to the Playlist
  7. Make any necessary changes
  8. Click Save

Questions? Contact the MyCourses Support Team by email at 
or by phone at 727-341-3500 (Hours: Mon.- Fri. 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. EST).

For after hours or weekend assistance, contact the SPC Helpdesk at 727-791-2795 or

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