Enabling Turnitin on an Existing Dropbox Enabling Turnitin on an Existing Dropbox

Enabling Turnitin on an Existing Dropbox


Turnitin can be used via MyCourses as a learning tool for improved writing. The program flags similarity and mechanical errors in written work via Originality and GradeMark reports. If you choose to enable this service for your students, place the following statement in your course syllabus. 

  1. Turnitin statement for your syllabus is located at the bottom of this guide.

  2. Please review the Dates on Turnitin section of this guide to ensure your originality reports will generate correctly. 


  1. Click on Submission Review on the Navbar
  2. Click on Dropboxes
  3. Click on the drop-down arrow and select Edit Folder
  4. Scroll to the Submission & Completion settings, click to expand
  5. under allowed Allowable file extensions, select Compatible with Turnitin
  6. Click on Evaluation and Feedback on the right side of the screen
  7. Click on the Manage Turnitin button at the bottom of the Evaluation & Feedback settings box and a new pop-up window will appear:

  8. Check the following options to Enable Turnitin:

     Step 1:  Check the box next to “Similarity Report" for this folder.”


     Step 2:  Check the box next to “Allow learners to see Turnitin similarity scores in their submission folder"

     Step 3:  Check the box next to “Enable Online Grading for this folder.”

  9. Set any additional (optional Turnitin settings - see Advanced Turnitin Options for more information)
  10. Click Save and Close

Dates on a Turnitin Dropbox 

When a folder is initially created, instructors are given the ability to put in dates for the Dropbox within MyCourses. When creating a Turnitin assignment MyCourses will help provide dates to Turnitin by setting default dates in the background. MyCourses is not required to send dates, but since Turnitin relies on them, something must be supplied in place of a ‘null’ value. So, the big question is, how does MyCourses handle the date defaults when no dates are supplied? 




Start Date Set?

End Date Set?

Start Date value

End Date value



Current Date 

1 week + 24 hours 



my|Courses Start Date 

2 weeks from start date + 24 hours 



Current Date 

my|Courses End Date + 24 hours 



my|Courses Start Date 

my|Courses End Date + 24 hours


Turnitin Statement to Copy and Paste in Syllabus

The instructor of this course provides access to Turnitin.com as a tool to promote learning. The tool flags similarity and mechanical issues in written work that merit review. Use of the service enables students and faculty to identify areas that can be strengthened through improved paraphrasing, integration of sources, or proper citation. Submitted papers remain as source documents in the Turnitin database solely for the purpose of detecting originality. Students retain full copyright to their works. The Turnitin Usage Agreement can be reviewed at https://turnitin.com/agreement. Students who do not wish to submit work through Turnitin must notify their instructor via course email within the first seven days of the course.  In lieu of Turnitin use, faculty may require a student to submit copies of sources, preliminary drafts, a research journal, or an annotated bibliography.

Have Questions? Contact the Academic Technology Support Team


 Phone at 727-341-3500 

(Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. EST).

After-hours or weekend assistance? Contact the Technical Support Center at 727-791-2795 or onlinehelp@spcollege.edu

Want to Schedule a One-on-One or Group Session on Canvas or other instructional technology issues or opportunities? 

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