SPC provides licenses for Office 365 to faculty and staff for FREE. This cloud-based software ensures access to college Email as well as the Microsoft Office 365 suite that includes Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Outlook, OneDrive, and many other Microsoft Office tools.  SPC faculty and staff can install the software on up to five different devices. 

Steps to download software: 

  1. Go to https://www.spcollege.edu
  2. Click on Titans Login in the top right corner
  3. Enter your SPC email address and password

  4. Click Sign In 
  5. You will be taken to the Titan Hub. Check out this resource on Navigating the Titan Hub
  6. Click Office 365 from the left-side menu under Resources

    OR, Click View All Emails on the Microsft 365 Widget

  7. Click the App Launcher Icon (top left corner of the page, looks like a rubrics cube or waffle)
    outlook waffle icon.png
  8. On the top-right side of the page, click Office 365
  9. office 365.png
  10. Click on Install Office 
  11. Click Other Install Options

    NOTE: If you do not see this option, please contact the SPC Helpdesk at 727-791-2795 for assistance

  12. Click Install Office and follow the prompts 
  13. Technical issues

    If you are having technical problems with the offer, first try accessing the link on a different browser. Also, make sure you have set your computer so pop-ups related to the offer link are not disabled. If you have technical problems with the download, please contact technical support for the offer. For other technical issues, please contact SPC Technical Support at 727-341-4357 or email your questions to onlinehelp@spcollege.edu.

Have Questions? Contact the MyCourses Support Team by email at  MyCourses4Faculty@spcollege.edu or by 

Phone at 727-341-3500 

(Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. EST).

After-hours or weekend assistance? Contact the SPC Helpdesk at 727-791-2795 or onlinehelp@spcollege.edu

Want to Schedule a One-on-One or Group Session on MyCourses or other instructional technology issues or opportunities? Schedule 1:1 Support Help with a Member of the MyCourses4Faculty Team (Linked here)



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