Creating Self-Enrollment Groups and How Student Self-Enroll Creating Self-Enrollment Groups and How Student Self-Enroll

Creating Self-Enrollment Groups and How Student Self-Enroll


One type of group you can set up allows students to self-enroll. These can be used to allow the students to choose their own teammates or allow the students to choose a specific topic for a research paper without having students all choose the same one. There are many types of situations that self-enrollment would be useful. 


  1. Click on Communicate on the Navbar
  2. Click on Groups
  3. Click on New Category
  4. Enter a Category Name
  5. Enter a Description
  6. Under Enrollment Type, Choose the type of self-enrollment:

    enrollment types choose self enrollment.png
    • Groups of # - Self Enrollment - This allows you to specify the number of students you want in each group.
    • # of Groups - Self Enrollment - This allows you to specify the number of groups.
    • # of Groups, Capacity of # - Self Enrollment - This allows you to specify the number of groups and how many students can be enrolled in the groups.  
  7. Click on Save - This will create generic names for each group.  

To Edit Group Names:

  1. Click on the name of each group
  2. Edit the Name "Group 1" under Group Name*
    group name group 1.png

  3. Click on Save

How Students Self-Enroll in a Group: 

  1. Click on Communicate on the Navbar
  2. Click on Groups
  3. Click on View Available Groups 
    view avalible groups button.png

  4. Click on Join Group join group button.png

Questions? Contact the MyCourses Support Team by email at 
or by phone at 727-341-3500 (Hours: Mon.- Fri. 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. EST).

For after hours or weekend assistance, contact the SPC Helpdesk at 727-791-2795 or 

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