Once your account is activated, you will be able to visit the Panopto website. Although you can also create videos directly from MyCourses, the Panopto website is where you can easily create, upload, edit and store your videos. Here are a few high level points about the Panopto Website - AKA Titans Video

Panopto Video Retention Policy Click Here to learn more

Website Info:

  • To access the website, you must first complete an on-demand or facilitated training and have your account activated. 

  • The Panopto site you will visit is specific to SPC. Only faculty/staff have access to this site and all videos stored are from SPC. Students can view Panopto videos on the viewer, but cannot enter the site and create/edit.

  • We have set up department folders for groups to collaborate. If you would like access to your department folder, reach out to Rachael Jackson (jackson.rachael@spcollege.edu).

  • There are some folders that ALL of SPC has access to, like CETL, tutorials and recordings of college wide events.

  • There will be a MyCourses option on your browse menu that is gray. Click the arrow to see which MyCourses folders you have access to. 

  • You will only have the ability to add videos to courses that you are enrolled in as Faculty
  • You will only be able to add videos to folders in Panopto that you have editor access to. You will be restricted from adding videos to other folders owned by the college. 

  • Log in Instructions and the link to the website will be provided after you complete this workshop and submit the access survey.

Key Areas of Panopto Site:

Search Bar

Search results are specific to where you are in Panopto. If you are on the homepage, the search results will include all videos you have access to in Panopto. If you are in a folder and search, it will search for results within that folder. 

Browse Menu

Clicking Browse on the left-side menu will expand the table of
contents to display all folders you have access to. Videos that you have 

Browse Menu Thumbtack If you click the thumbtack after clicking the browse, you can pin the menu of folders open.
MyCourses folder (greyed out)

 On the browse menu, you will see a grey option titled "MyCourses", you have access to your course folders under this parent folder. Click the arrow to see your course folders.


Your "My Folder" This folder is where you can create and edit videos that no one has access to. It is your private sandbox.
Create Button: Panopto Capture Next to the search bar at the top is the create button. Clicking create, then selecting Panopto Capture, will allow you to record a new video.

Create Button:
Upload Media

Another option on the create button is to upload a video from your computer. You should first navigate to the folder where you want the video to be placed and then upload it. You can only upload videos to folders that you have editor access to. 


Course Folder(s)

Once you add a Panopto video to a course, your Panopto account will automatically create a course folder for that course and the video you added will appear in that folder. 



Clicking any video will open it in a new window. If it's your video, you will be able to edit it in the new window. If you only have viewing access to that video, you will be able to watch it in the new window. 

Your Panopto Account

Here is an overview of your individual Panopto Account once you complete the workshop and complete the activation survey. 


Your Panopto Account


Once you complete the On-Demand workshop to get a sense of the basics, you will complete a short survey. Then, the MyCourses4faculty team will activate your account. Once we do, here is what you can expect. 

  • Complete the survey found in the On-Demand Workshop to activate your account. Activation details will come via email.

  • Do NOT visit the Panopto Website (Titan Video) before completing the activation process, or you will be logged in as a viewer.

  • You will be automatically logged into your personal Panopto account using single sign-on every time you go to the Panopto site. You do NOT need to create an account or set up a different password. 
  • You do NOT need to download Panopto software to your computer, you can do everything you need from the website.  
  • Your account will not be set up correctly if you visit the website first without having us activate your account. 
  • On the Panopto site, you will have a personal folder called your "My Folder" where you can create and edit videos without anyone else seeing them. This folder is private to you. You can then add videos from this folder to your courses when you are ready. 
  • On the Panopto site, you will be able to share videos with other faculty or your department to edit and access. You can also share videos with a link to anyone! 
  • You can create Panopto videos directly in MyCourses! These videos will be stored in your account on the website
  • You can add videos in your Panopto account to your courses in MyCourses. Adding a video to a course in MyCourses grants all enrolled students permission to view that video.  
  • You control who has access to your videos through sharing permissions for each video or folder.
  • You can view recordings of college events or other videos shared widely on the Panopto website


Panopto Video Retention Policy (Click Here) to learn more

Activate Your Panopto License

Although Panopto is available to all college instructors, to activate your license, you must first complete an On-Demand Workshop: Into to Panopto. In it, you will find a link to a survey that you will complete after reviewing the materials. The MyCourses4Faculty team will send you a follow up email with instructions after completion. 


Register for Faculty Panopto Workshop

  • Click the blue MyCourses Logo at the top left on any page in MyCourses to visit the home page


  • click On-Demand Workshops


  • Click ITT1018: Intro to Panopto under the Course Offering Name column

  • Click Register


  • Click confirm and then Finish

  • On the Registration Summary Page, click the link to Go to the course offering 


  • You can also use the Waffle Menu icon to search for and enter Intro to Panopto Workshop. If you have a search bar, type "Panopto" and you will see the course listed.  




Have Questions? Contact the Academic Technology Support Team


 Phone at 727-341-3500 

(Hours: Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. EST).

After-hours or weekend assistance? Contact the Technical Support Center at 727-791-2795 or onlinehelp@spcollege.edu

Want to Schedule a One-on-One or Group Session on Canvas or other instructional technology issues or opportunities? 

Schedule 1:1 Support Help with a Member of the MyCourses4Faculty Team


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